Confirmation of the Scanned Image and Exif Settings
After a scan, you can examine a thumbnail version of the image and specify the file format and destination.
Exif setting is only available when [JPEG/Exif] is selected from the [Save as Type].
With the [Print] button, this window can be displayed by clicking the [Save] button in the [Print Layout] window.

Thumbnail Display Area
Displays the thumbnail version of the scanned images. Images with a check mark are sent to the application program. Double-clicking an image displays it at a magnified size.
You can drag images to arrange their order in the display area. The image order here determines the page order in a multiple page PDF.

[Rotate Left 90°]/[Rotate Right 90°] Buttons
Rotates the scanned image 90 degrees to the left or right for printing or as an e-mail attachment. Click the thumbnail of the image you want to rotate, and click the [Rotate Left 90°] or [Rotate Right 90°] button.

Save as Type
Sets the format in which a file is saved.
[OCR] Button *BMP, *PICT, JPEG/Exif, TIFF
[Mail] Button JPEG/Exif, PDF, PDF (Multiple Pages), PDF (Add Page)
[Save] Button *BMP, *PICT, JPEG/Exif, TIFF, PDF, PDF (Multiple Pages), PDF (Add Page)
[Photo-1]/[Photo-2] Buttons *BMP, *PICT, JPEG/Exif, TIFF
[PDF] Button PDF, PDF (Multiple Pages), PDF (Add Page)
* BMP can be selected only for Windows; PICT can be selected only for Macintosh.
If you select [PDF (Multiple Pages)], all of the images in the display area are saved on separate pages in a single PDF file in the order in which they are displayed.
Selecting [PDF (Add Page)] inserts pages into an existing PDF file, producing a single file.
Use the [Browse] button to select the folder to save the file. When you specify the file and click [Save], a new file is created with the added pages and saved in the same folder that contains the original file.
Only the PDF files created with CanoScan Toolbox 4.7 or later can selected for [PDF (Add Page)]. PDF files created by other application programs cannot have pages appended to them even if they are selected.

[Settings] Button
Displays the [File Settings] window, where you can set various settings (i.e., compression type and PDF format) for the saved files.
For details: [File Settings] Window

[Exif Settings] Button
Displays the [Exif Settings] window, where you can set Exif settings for the saved files.
For details: [Exif Settings] Window

Save in
Lists the location of the folder where the scanned images are saved. Click the [Browse] button to select a different save folder.

Save to a Subfolder with Current Date
Sets whether or not a subfolder bearing the scanning date is created in the selected folder and the image files are saved to it.
When [Save as Type] is set to [PDF (Add Page)], this function is disabled.

[Forward (Save)] Button
Sends (saves) the scanned image to the specified destination and ends the operation.

[Cancel (Finish)] Button
Cancels the operation and returns to the previous window. Deletes all the images scanned in the operation.
Windows: You can also cancel a scan by clicking the close box at the upper right of the window.
